May 22 - May 26
Spring Reset Retreat [remainder]
Spring is finally here, and it is time to lighten up and create a new way forward. We are all done with indecision, we will swiftly clean out any remnant fears and making room for a future of authentic purpose and fun. Yes, fun. We will literally be creating fresh paths to get to where we really want to go. Spring is a powerful time at Oniya. It is the most prolific and creative season for us as well as nature. Don’t miss this one if you are up to change and moving into new territories. (And the baby owls and geese are here now).
All retreats are based on our 11 Guides to Well-Being and are all unique based on the specific season of arrival. You will eat well, move your body, breathe, hang out with horses, spend some time alone, learn healing modalities, experience the real Montana, and play. The details around your results at Oniya will be created by you and the other attendees’ intention calls. Each retreat is customized by you.
You will arrive on Monday night to get an overview of Oniya and get nested in your room. The next morning you will begin a week of renewing experiences at a slower pace, letting go of stress, some excavation, and a whole lot of fun. Friday morning will hold a celebration of your journey with some photographs around the ranch.
When you complete your reservation, you will be given access to our Guest Login page. There you will see all details about your arrival, what to pack, and contact information to ask as many questions as you want prior to your arrival.
Bonus: Keep in mind if you would like to stay at Oniya for additional days to integrate your experience or play in the area, you can book your room for additional days after your retreat is complete on Friday. See our Oniya Lodge page for rates.